Zoll R Series ALS Defibrillator

The ZOLL® R Series® monitor/defibrillator provides clinicians with comprehensive support for resuscitation. This includes cutting-edge technology to help you meet current guidelines for achieving high-quality CPR, as well as OneStep™ electrodes that simplify and speed therapy. And to help ensure that the R Series will be Code-Ready®, it conducts an automated self-test daily.

CPR Dashboard™ featuring Real CPR Help® — Guides rescuers with real-time audio and visual feedback on CPR quality measures. It provides numeric displays of depth and rate and visual indicators of compression release, as well as a unique Perfusion Performance Indicator™. See-Thru CPR® — Reduces the duration of pauses during CPR by filtering out the CPR artifact so rescuers can see whether an organized underlying rhythm has developed without stopping compressions.

SKU: 15-093012 Category: Product Condition: New


  • Real CPR Help
  • OneStep System
  • Code Readiness testing system
  • Built-in test port
  • USB and compact flash ports
  • Integrated AC power
  • Defibrillator mentor familiarization aid
  • Compatible with all Zoll electrodes
  • Rectilinear biphasic technology
  • 3/5-Lead ECG


  • Dimensions: 8.2″H x 10.5″W x 12.5″D
  • Weight: 13.6 lbs. with OneStep™ Cable and SurePower™ battery pack; 15.2 lbs. with paddles
